Liminal Space is a mixed methods research and strategy studio that specializes in tackling foundational questions.

Liminal Space is a mixed methods research and strategy studio that specializes in tackling foundational questions.

Liminal Space is a mixed methods research and strategy studio that specializes in tackling foundational questions.

We take a holistic approach to research, combining ethnographic field work, digital ethnography and quantitative analysis. The result is evidence-based strategy that realigns organizations with the people they serve.

We do our best work when things are undefined and ambiguous. We see liminal spaces as a site for emergence, redefinition, and reimagination.

Recent Clients


Field work & in-depth interviews
Product & concept testing
Survey design & analysis
Digital ethnography & social listening

Segmentation & persona development
Opportunity sizing
Product & brand strategy


Liminal Space is an independent research studio led by Ruthie Vilders. Ruthie has worked in-house at technology companies like Google and Meta to help teams make evidence-based decisions based on real human needs, informing product roadmaps and strategy. Prior to Liminal Space, she led Research at a music technology company called Splice.

Liminal Space takes a rigorous, mixed methods approach to every project. This means, for each project, we’re thoughtful about bringing on the right collaborators with the right skill sets and expertise to deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients.

We’re always looking for interesting work.

If our approach sounds interesting to you, please get in touch at or book an intro call.

© 2023 Liminal Space

We’re always looking for interesting work.

If our approach sounds interesting to you, please get in touch at or book an intro call.

© 2023 Liminal Space